


Blog has been silent for a while but it is still alive. The reason is simple - we have full-time jobs and little free time. But we still are passionate knitters and would like to develop lace knitting tradition!

Currently we are working on making this project more dynamic.
We hope to add main changes and fresh patterns during the summer but we will need help with that.

We are planning to:
- include submission form for submission of new patterns from all knitters inspired by Estonian lace who are ready to share (if you have some interesting stitch motif you would like to share, you would be welcomed here)
- create environment for dynamic testing (closed community of passionate lace knitters) of new patterns and improving quality and speed of publishing.

Currently we are seeking for
- test-knitters experienced in lace knitting and ready to test new stitch motifs
- text editors to improve quality of text descriptions
- volunteer translators to any languages

If you are interested in helping us please contact us  bluebird.olga(at)


A few translation of patterns to Polish are now available on our blog thanks to  Kaja Szymanska.
To find them select label "polish" in the LABEL menu.

Kilka polskich przekładów wzorów jest teraz dostępnych na naszym blogu za sprawą Kai Szymańskiej. Można je znaleźć w zakładce "polish" w LABEL menu.


Avatud kooskudumise teema foorumis.
Sinna teemasse on oodatud kõik mõtted, emotsioonid ja küsimused, mis tekivad meie mustrite kudumisel. 
Selles teemas ei ole karme reegleid: koo mustreid niipalju kui meeldib ja siis kui meeldib ning sellele esemele, mis parasjagu meeldib! Kui tead kedagi, kellele võiksid värsked koekirjad huvi pakkuda, kutsu ka tema kuduma!


Our blog is open to all knitters!