
Sunday, 24 April 2011

18. Daisies in diagonals 1: motif for shawls

This pattern is a new variation of the motif 16. Little daisies. In this version tiny flowers are placed to form diagonals with empty space inside.
This pattern includes interesting lace stitch, when odd number of stitches is knitted together and the same amount of stitches is raised from them.

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Monday, 11 April 2011

17. Big daisies: motif for shawl

This pattern is a play with interesting lace stitch, when odd number of stitches is knitted together and the same amount of stitches is raised from them.
Pattern reminds daisy flowers and gets its name from that.
Difference between two motifs is in inclusion of “bobbles”.

Translation to Polish is made by Kaja Szymanska

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